Riverside street lvl office fronting on Queen St E. A state of the art private furnished suites with spacious waiting area, kitchenette and washrooms. Ideal for any specialized medical or therapists. TMI $400.00 month. See virtual tour and floor plan.
View full listing detailsPrice: | $$1,800 CAD |
Address: | 690A E Queen St 102 |
City: | Toronto |
County: | Toronto |
State: | Ontario |
MLS: | E7347804 |
Square Feet: | 315 |
Bathrooms: | 1 |
amps: | 100 |
rail: | no |
uffi: | no |
crane: | no |
taxes: | 400 |
water: | Municipal |
extras: | Equipped with WIFI, Exam room sink, cabinets, kitchen & move in ready for 24/7 access. Flexible Deal Terms. Several units up to 2000+sf. Bike Parking and quiet park at rear. Non medical uses welcome. |
sewers: | San+Storm |
survey: | no |
taxYear: | 2023 |
areaCode: | 01 |
category: | Retail |
elevator: | None |
heatType: | Gas Forced Air Closd |
soilTest: | no |
approxAge: | 0-5 |
basement1: | no |
community: | South Riverdale |
occupancy: | Partial |
saleLease: | Lease |
typeTaxes: | T.M.I. |
garageType: | Pay |
municpCode: | 01.E01 |
retailArea: | 315 |
sprinklers: | yes |
lotSizeCode: | Feet |
freestanding: | no |
communityCode: | 01.E01.1400 |
listPriceCode: | Month |
officeAptArea: | 315 |
totalAreaCode: | Sq Ft |
outsideStorage: | N |
retailAreaCode: | Sq Ft |
airConditioning: | Y |
areaInfluences1: | Major Highway |
areaInfluences2: | Public Transit |
clearHeightFeet: | 10 |
lotBldgUnitCode: | Unit |
maximumRentalTerm: | 60 |
minimumRentalTerm: | 3 |
officeAptAreaCode: | Sq Ft |
municipalityDistrict: | Toronto E01 |
directionsCrossStreets: | Queen St E/ Dvp |
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